Saturday 14 June 2008


Prior to writing any dialogue, I sweated over Dad’s Money on a scale I never have before.  Then I wrote the words.  I am now rewriting more than I ever have.

I sent the first draft to my great friend and enabler, Sarah Dickenson, the brilliant literary manager of Theatre 503.  She asked me all the hard questions you should ask a writer (except the ones about finance and washing-up).  Because of Sarah, the script will be much better.  Because of Sarah, I have a lot of work to do.

This is a photo of my work in the small hours of Friday morning:  

I have included a pencil to demonstrate scale.  The pencil is HB, which is a designation on a scale of hardness.

Pencils have their own scale, but there are many methods of measuring hardness.  My favourite is the Brinell test.

The Brinell hardness test consists of indenting the test material with a hardened steel ball subjected to a load of 3000 kg.  A rigorous scientific procedure that is all very well, Mr. Brinell – but you’ve never met Sarah Dickenson.


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Juicy - that's a comment I wish I could have read!