Saturday 24 May 2008


I'm still at it. Compare this picture to earlier in the month, and you'll notice the big change: blu-tacked cord is now snaking through the scenes. I'm making progress, but I can't shake the feeling that the wall would look better with a picture of Stringer Bell.

This morning, I have written a good, barbed joke for scene one and the final few lines of scene three. I've also made chocolate ice-cream which isn't freezing properly and some promising borscht. If the guests can overlook the outline of two brothers belting each other on the wall, it should be a good night.  


Unknown said...

Nice Wire reference (best TV ever) -- and appropriate when you consider that the other three walls of your flat are covered with pictures of handsome black men.

Anonymous said...

i dont know what one usually posts as a comment to a blog - i'm not feeling very existential today - but i felt the need to note that I recognise those uplights. which made me smile. Keep cooking, playwrite.
